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Affaire Bétharram : pour Élisabeth Borne « on vit une forme de MeToo scolaire »

Dans une interview accordee au Parisien , la ministre de l'Education nationale est revenue sur l'affaire Betharram quelques jours apres avoir annonce un plan pour renforcer la securite dans les etablissements prives sous contrat.

Élisabeth Borne, Minister of National Education, addressed the Bétharram affair, describing it as a "form of school MeToo." She announced a plan to strengthen security in private schools, including mandatory reporting of violence and deployment of the "Faits établissements" app. Borne also expressed surprise at the Secretary General of Catholic Education's statements regarding violence reporting and highlighted the implementation of systematic, anonymous questionnaires for students. The Bétharram affair involves alleged violence at a Catholic school since 2023, and former Minister François Bayrou has faced accusations of inaction.

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